
Nov 12, 2012

No More Christian Nice Girl, by Coughlin & Degler

Today, we face the realities of a “social church” that seldom faces facts, acts in the sweetest way possible to “be a good witness,” and likes sermons and ways that are soft, delicate and sweet, just because someone is Christian. As a result, many well-intentioned women end up trying to please everyone else but themselves - or God, accomplishing nothing more than becoming a doormat for those who like abusing others. As a consequence, even the own identity is lost and life becomes a constant struggle, resulting in frustrated and broken relationships. 

This is the reality the authors say drove them to write this book. Both are experienced counselors, and it shows both, in their biblically-found advice and in their easy narration. Yes, you might find yourself soaring through the truths, jokes and challenges, while you learn that assertive, respectful and graceful words (somewhat surprising, but sincere) are more powerful than nice ones (those expected and wanted), even if this might result “offensive” to those who like to use women. It might be a challenge, but as the authors put it, confrontation will lead into intimacy and better relations.

This book is very easy to read; the authors have a relaxed and straightforward way that invites the reader to go on. However, I found myself identified with some situations and had to take a pause and ponder about it before reading on, and this does not happen to me with any book, which is another fact I liked about this one. I even read some chapters twice.

A great asset, at the end of each chapter, the authors include a series of questions that might be used for study in small groups or for personal reflection. They also invite the reader to go to certain verses in the Bible and study how the principle they it includes, this book might not be needed and the authors be out of work!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers for review, but this does not bias my opinion on the book nor the authors.

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