Mar 12, 2014

A 9-Patch Challenge takes shape...

March is going so fast!  Sometimes I wish the days had more hours (especially after forwarding the clocks), but I must say I've enjoyed every one of them.

The 9-Patch Pizzazz Challenge quilt is taking shape. As the name states, the design had to be based on a  9-patch; however, I wanted a twist in my quilt. That's why I decided to include modern elements and an off-centered design.

The focus fabric is Annalee, a beautiful collection from Andover. It is gorgeous!  I really like the colors and how they come alive together!  

These will be the main blocks for the final composition. Both are improvisational and include six of the fabrics in the collection.  I just love how the different elements complement each other so well. 

So, here is the start of the Improv Block...

... and from strips we go to wonky pieces:

Then the wonky pieces and larger scraps go together to form other units.

I wanted the main "patch" to be formed of a large scrappy block, so I kept joining larger units to make it larger and larger...

In the end, I sliced that other unit because I needed some "wiggle room" for the other "patch" areas... Ah! There is a weird sense of relief when slicing a major unit for a main block; the new shape is completely unexpected! It gets divided into several parts with weird angles just to keep the creative process going... 

I ended up with several units large enough to be part of the disappearing 9 patch areas of the quilt, as well as a larger central area.  I promise this will make more sense once the quilt is finished.  :)

Another area of the quilt will have blocks that are made by sewing scraps to larger pieces of a background fabric. It's actually very similar to the improv blocks, but the difference is that larger pieces of white fabric come into play; also, the focus fabric has larger pieces that those in the improv blocks.

So far, it's looking good for the 9-patch quilt.  I can't wait to see it all together!

And how about you? Are you working in a special project? Share your comments and even pictures in the Flicker pool. It would be great to see what we all are working on with this fun technique.

Stay blessed!  :)

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