Nov 12, 2012

If God, Why Evil? by Norman L. Geisler

How many times have people questioned God because of disease, wars, natural disasters, death of loved ones, abuse, and other painful situations?  What is worse, Christians often seem to be unable to find biblical answers to those in need of comfort.  This is where this book is crucial. In a practical, sharp, thorough and precise way, Mr. Geisler makes an exhaustive exposition about Evil, considering different worldviews, and demonstrating why the existence of Evil even proves God’s.  

So far, it is the only book about evil I have read that is a match for any philosopher more interested in human goals, which might sound very good, but are just a path away from our Creator.  Despite its deep argumentation about Evil, including its nature, origin, persistence, purpose, avoidability, physicality, its apparently miraculous and eternal (Hell) nature, as well as those who have not heard about God, the author makes it very easy to read and provides every day examples that enlighten what he explains. He never ceases to patiently and accurately consider statements and critiques, leading the reader through logical argumentation, arriving to the answers of questions that seemed to be so distant, always with a sound, Biblical foundation. And, in case the reader is in need of further study, this book is also a compendium of materials that will allow anyone to know more about any of the worldviews referred to – the author himself recognizes that he cannot include every single question about evil he has been asked, or every single argument within human knowledge. 

The author includes three appendices. The first one is about animal death before Adam; I consider it to be a good introduction to the matter, as it refers to the different theories about creation. The second appendix is about evidence for the existence of God; it includes apologetic arguments that every Christian should know.  Just as in the rest of the book, they include good references the reader can go to, if interested in the topic.

The third appendix is a summarized critique about “The Shack,” a very popular book that attempts to comfort people who have lost a loved one. It seems odd that Mr. Geisler included it, but after reading it, I understood why; as accepted as “The Shack” is, I consider that it is far from the God of the Bible.  The whole article is found in the author’s website.

Overall, this is an invaluable apologetic tool that should be in every committed Christian’s library.  

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers in exchange for a review. This did not bias my opinion on the book, nor on the author.

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